CVS/ATB Occupant Simulation Model
The CVS/ATB (Crash Victim Simulator/ AAMRL Articulated Total Body Model) was developed by Calspan Corp.and J&J Technologies, Inc. Orchard Park, NY 14127 (716-662-4294) for the Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory Wright Patterson Air Force Base under Contracts F33615-75C-5002,-78C-0516 and -80C-05117 and also for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Under Contracts FH-11-7592, HS-053-2-485, HS-6-01300 and HS-6-01410.
Program Documentation: NHTSA Report Nos. DOT-HS-801-507 through 510 (Formerly Calspan Report No. ZQ-5180-L-1) available from NTIS (Accession nos. PB-241692,3,4 and 5), Appendixes A-J to the above (available from Calspan) and Report Nos. AMRL-TR-75-14 (NTIS no. AD-A014 816), AFAMRL-TR-80-14 (NTIS no. AD-A088 029), and AFAMRL-TR-83-073 (NTIS no. AD-B079 184). AAMRL-TR-88-007 (NTIS no. AD-A197 940), AAMRL-TR-88-009 (NTIS NO. AD-A198 726), AAMRL-TR-88-043 (NTIS NO. AD-A203 566).
John T. Fleck, the original developer of the CVS/ATB program, passed away on October 17, 2006. Please see J&J Technologies homepage for additional information.
Head Injury Criterion and the ATB, By Brian G. McHenry İMcHenry Software, Inc.
Presented Sept 29, 2004 at the 2004 ATB USERS' CONFERENCE
ABSTRACT :This paper presents background on head injuries, head injury criterion and the use of the ATB in research and litigation to simulate occupant motions and calculate the head injury criterion.
McHenry 2004 ATB paper in html format McHenry 2004 ATB Paper in Printer Friendly PDF
Occupant Kinematics in Forensics: Evaluating the Appropriateness and Applicability of an ATB Application, By Brian G. McHenry İMcHenry Software, Inc.
Presented April 25, 2002 at the 2002 ATB USERS' CONFERENCE
ABSTRACT: Since the advent of the PC and the availability of PC versions of the ATB computer program, the ATB has been frequently encountered as an accident reconstruction tool used for demonstrative purposes in litigation matters. This presentation will include discussion and presentation of some of the types of applications encountered. The presentation will also include discussion of the appropriateness and applicability of the ATB to specific forensic investigations.
McHenry 2002 ATB paper in html format McHenry 2002 ATB Paper in Printer Friendly PDF
We also provide consultation services for evaluation of the application of computer programs to accident reconstruction. For information, see McHenry Consultants or call (919)-469-3310 or e-mail