Example: Tractor-trailer option inputs


The following dataset is a single vehicle m-smac run of a tractor-trailer making a simple lane change maneuver. The dataset is derived from the sample ADVSAMP1.PRJ.

NOTE: Inputs specifically related to the articulated vehicle/trailer option are highlighted in bold type.


0.0     10.0    0.005   0.001   0.005   0.05    10.0    5.0     1.0            1

-6610.1 49.6    0.0     0.0     862.4   0.0     1.0     0.0     0.0            2

56.78   85.18   77.     176592. 38.82   0.0     96.     -60.    48.            4

-28000. -28000. -32000. -32000.                                                6

4.9     5.5     0.20    0.0                                                    8

4.90    0       0       0       0       0       0                          1   8

5.10    0       0       0       0       0       0                          2   8

5.30    0       0       0       0       0       0                          3   8

5.50    0       0       0       0       0       0                          4   8


0.4     3.000   0.2     0.0                                                   10

0.40    0       0       .00     .00                                        1  10

0.60    -1.     -1.     .00     .00                                        2  10

0.80    -1.5    -1.5    .00     .00                                        3  10

1.00    -1.5    -1.5    .00     .00                                        4  10

1.20    -1.50   -1.50   .00     .00                                        5  10

1.40    -1.     -1.     .00     .00                                        6  10

1.60    0       0       .00     .00                                        7  10

1.80    1.      1.      .00     .00                                        8  10

2.00    1.5     1.5     .00     .00                                        9  10

2.20    1.5     1.5     .00     .00                                       10  10

2.40    1.      1.      .00     .00                                       11  10

2.60    0       0       .00     .00                                       12  10

2.80    0       0       .00     .00                                       13  10

3.00    0       0       .00     .00                                       14  10

-500.   144.    500.    144.    0.70    0.70    0.0                           12

2.      0.2     20.     5.      100.    40.     0.55    1.0                   13

0.04606 1.7547-31.6711-5                                                      14

77.14   258.    354.    77.     32.35   810950. -32000. -32000.               20

75.     85.     15000.  750000. 0.857   0.857   258.    282.    96.0          22

0.40    0.40    0.0     0.0     4.0     4.0     0.0     0.0                   24

0.      0.0                                                                 9999


Please note that you may also include an additional definition of the trailer dimensions to the m-smacgr and m-smacan graphics programs.

Example of the Option=TTrailer input is as follows:


#XF3    XR3     YS3      XF4     XR4     YS4

21.5    -23.5   4.       0.0     0.0     0.0       


The input format for the m-smac graphics program is as follows:

The dimensions required for the graphics program are as follows:

XF3 = distance from the CG of the trailer for vehicle 1 to the front of the trailer

XR3 = distance from the CG of the trailer for vehicle 1 to the rear of the trailer

YS3 = distance from the trailer CG to the side of the vehicle (the trailer ½ width)

If vehicle 2 also has a trailer, then the following dimensions are required:

XF4 = distance from the CG of the trailer for vehicle 2 to the front of the trailer

XR4 = distance from the CG of the trailer for vehicle 2 to the rear of the trailer

YS4 = distance from the CG of the trailer for vehicle 2 to the side of the vehicle (the trailer ½ width)

Please note that the trailer overall dimension specifications (XF3,XR3,YS3, XF4,XR4,YS4) are now provided for on the m-smac trailer input cards 22 and 23. Therefore the specifications of these dimensions in the graphics input files are now redundant. The inputs are still included for compatibility with older versions of the programs and/or for once collision interaction with the trailer or parts of the trailer is allowed..


DISCUSSION: Articulated Vehicle Option