
In addition to the list below, you will also find links to scans of most of the McHenry References on the following pages:

The following is a list of references cited in the WWW pages of McHenry Software, Inc.. These references are provided for interested individuals to obtain further information on research related to accident reconstruction and computer simulation. PB numbers accompanying documents are order numbers from NTIS. NTIS can also locate reports by Contract numbers and/or authors. SAE numbers accompanying documents can be used to order them from SAE.

  1. “A Computer Program for Reconstruction of Highway Accidents” McHenry,R. R., Proceedings of the 17th Stapp Car Crash Conference, SAE Paper 73-0980,November 12-13, 1973.
  2. SMAC-87, McHenry, B.G. and McHenry, R. R., SAE Paper 88-0227, presented at the International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI 1988,1988 SAE Transactions
  3. “Determination of Physical Criteria for Roadside Energy Conversion System”, R. R. McHenry, N. J. Deleys and D. J. Segal, Calspan Report No. VJ-2251-V-1,July 1967.
  4. “Highway-Vehicle Object Simulation Model – 1976″,”Volume I – User’s Manual”,(PB-267401) “Volume II – Programmer’s Manual” (PB-267402) “Volume III – Engineering Manual – Analysis” (PB-267403) “Volume IV -Engineering Manual – Validation” (PB-267404); Segal, D. J..
  5. Effectiveness of Design Criteria for Geometric Elements – Follow-up HVOSM Studies of Highway Curb Impacts, Report FHWA-11-9575, November 1981 R. R. McHenry; J.C. Glennon; T. R. Neuman,B.G. McHenry
  6. HVOSM Studies of Cross-Slope Breaks on Highway Curves, ContractDOT-FH-11-9575, PB33 191619; May 1982 J.C. Glennon, T.R. Neuman, R. R. McHenry., B.G. McHenry
  7. HVOSM Studies of Highway Center line Crowns, Contract DOT-FH-11-9575’October 1983 J.C. Glennon, T.R. Neuman, B.G. McHenry
  8. Prediction of the Sensitivity of Vehicle Dynamics to Highway Curve Geometrics by UsingComputer Simulation, January 1983, Transportation Research Board Record 923, J.C. Glennon; T.R. Neuman, B.G. McHenry
  9. Comparison of Simulation Programs – Task E Progress Report, B.G. McHenry, Contract DOT-FH-11-9575; April 1983
  10. “Safety and Operational Considerations for Design of Rural Highway Curves” (HVOSM Sections 3 megs), Full Report 14 megs!) (DOT-FH-11-9575, PB-86139664/AS); Glennon, Neuman and Leisch, December, 1985
  11. Work Zone Design Considerations for Truck Operations and Pavement/Shoulder Drop-Offs(draftauthored by McHenry, 5 megs), (Full Report by Graham & Glennon) (7 megs) (DTFH61-80-C00146), February, 1984. (HVOSM simulation work and several sections performed by McHenry)
  12. Rollover Potential of Vehicles on Embankments, Side slopes and other Roadside Features”, Deleys, N. J., Brinkman, C.P., SAE Paper No. 870234 in P-194.
  13. “Safety Issues Related to Mini-Cars from a Roadway Perspective”,Council, F.M., Reinfurt, D.W., SAE Paper No. 870233 in P-194.
  14. “Safe Geometric Design for Mini cars”, March 1987; Contract# FHWA/RD-87/047;PB89-185037; Highway Safety Research Center, University of North Carolina,Chapel Hill, NC F. M. Council, D.W. Reinfurt, R. N. Knoblauch, J.R. Stewart,B.G. McHenry
  15. HVOSM-87, SAE Technical Paper No. 880228, Presented at the International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, March 1988 B.G. McHenry, R. R. McHenry
  16. Simulation Models of Vehicle Dynamics, B.G. McHenry, presented November1987, National Conference on Future Improvements to and Supplemental Guidance for AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets; Published April 1992, Transportation Research Board Circular “Beyond the Green Book”.
  17. CRASH3User’s Guide and Technical Manual, Publication No. DOT-HS-805732,National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Dept. of Transportation,Washington, DC, February 1981, revised April 1982.
  18. “User’s Manual for the CRASH Computer Program”, McHenry, R.R; February1976, NTIS #PB 252115.
  19. “Extension and Refinements of the CRASH Computer Program Part I – Analytical Reconstruction of Highway Accidents”, McHenry, R.R.,February 1976, NTIS #PB252114.
  20. “Extensions and Refinements of the CRASH Computer Program – Evaluation of Reconstruction Techniques for Highway Accidents”, McHenry, R.R., February1976, NTIS #PB 252116.
  21. “CRASH II User’s Manual”, McHenry, R. R., and Lynch, J. P., November1976, NTIS #PB 262822.
  22. “Mathematical Reconstruction of Highway Accidents – Further Extensions and Refinements of the CRASH Computer Program”, McHenry, R. R., and Lynch,J. P., November 1976, DOT-HS-802-287, Calspan Report No. ZQ-5708-V-5.
  23. “CRASH2AUser’s Manual”, McHenry, R. R., and Lynch, J. P., (unpublished)Contract DOT-HS-6 -1442, Calspan Report No. ZP-6003-V-2.
  24. “Revision of the CRASH2 Computer Program”, McHenry, R. R., and Lynch,J. P., NTIS Publication No. PB-80-134505.
  25. NationalCrash Severity Study–Quality Control, Task 5. Analysis to Refine SpinoutAspects of CRASH, McHenry, R.R., and McHenry, B.G., NTIS Publication No. PB-81-180507, January 1981.
  26. ARevised Damage Analysis Procedure for the CRASH Computer Program, McHenry, R. R., and McHenry, B.G., SAE Paper No. 861894. Proceedings of the 30th Stapp Car Crash Conference, 1986 SAE Transactions
  27. “Differences Between EDCRASH and CRASH3”, Day, T.D., and Hargens, R.L.,SAE Paper No. 850253.
  28. “Further Validation of EDCRASH Using the RICSAC Staged Collisions”,Day, T.D., and Hargens, R.L., SAE Paper No. 890740.
  29. “Research Input for Computer Simulation of Automobile Collisions – Vol. I-IV”, Shoemaker, N. E., Calspan Corporation, Report DOT-HS-805 039, ContractDOT-HS-7-01511
  30. “Improvement of Accident Simulation Model and Improvement of Narrow Object Accident Reconstruction”, James, M.E., Hayes, E. R., Whittington, C.,Texas Transportation Institute, Report RF3258, Contract No. DOT-HS-5-01262and DOT-HS-7-01656, April 1978
  31. “Examples of Staged Collisions in Accident Reconstruction” Smith, R.A., Noga, J. T. , from Highway Collision Reconstruction, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Nov. 1980
  32. “M-smac Input Manual”, McHenry Software, Inc., beta release 96.1.0,March 1996
  33. Measurement Protocol for Quantifying Vehicle Damage From and Energy Basis Point ofView”, Tumbus,N. S., Smith, R. A., SAE Paper 88-0072
  34. “Energy Basis for Collision Severity”, Campell, K. L., SAE paper No.74-0565, 2rd International Conference on Occupant Protection, Troy, Michigan,July 1974
  35. “A Repeated Crash Test Technique for Assessment of Structural Impact Behavior”,Warner, C. Y., Allsop, D.L., and Germane, G.J., SAE Paper 86-0208
  36. “CRASH3 Damage Model Reformulation”, Prasad, A.K., Report No. VRTC-87-0053, Vol. I & II, November 1987.
  37. “CRASH3 Damage Algorithm Reformulation for Front and Rear Collisions”, Prasad, A.K., SAE Paper 90-0098
  38. “Energy absorbing properties of vehicle structures and their use in estimating impact severity in automobile collisions”, Prasad, AK IME paper 925209, C389/421
  39. “Energy dissipated in Vehicle Crush – A study Using the Repeated Test Technique” Prasad, A.K. SAE Paper No. 90-0412
  40. “Energy Absorbed by Vehicle Structure in Side-Impacts” Prasad, A.K.,TRC of Ohio, SAE Paper No. 910599.
  41. “CRASH3and Canadian Test Data”, Navin, F., MacNabb, M., SAE Paper No. 870499, February 1987.
  42. “An Overview of the Way EDCRASH Computes Delta-V”;Day, T.D., Hargens, R.L., SAE Paper No. 870045, February 1987.
  43. “Vehicle Crush Stiffness Coefficients for Model Years 1970-1984”;,Day, T.D., Hargens, R.L., EDC Library Ref. No. 1043, August 1987.
  44. “Crush Energy in Accident Reconstruction”, Strother, C.E., et al, SAE Paper No. 860371, February 1986.
  45. “GeneralizingCRASH3 for Reconstructing Specific Accidents” Struble, D.SAE Paper 87-0041
  46. “Yielding – Barrier Test Data Base – Refinement of Damage Data Tables in the Crash Program”, McHenry, R.R., Calspan Report No. ZR-5954-V-1, DOT-HS-5-01124 December1976.
  47. “Accuracyand Sensitivity of CRASH” Smith, R.A, Noga, J.T. SAE paper82-1169.
  48. The CRASH Program – A simplified Collision Reconstruction Program McHenry, R.R. Proceedings of the Motor Vehicle Collision Investigation Symposium, Calspan, 1975
  49. “User’s Manual for the Crash Computer Program”, McHenry, R.R. Calspan Report No. ZQ-5708-V-3, Contract No. DOT-HS-5-01124, Jan 1976
  50. “Analytical Approach to Automobile Collisions”, Emori, R.I. SAE PaperNo. 68-0016
  51. “Tri – Level Accident Research Study”, Calspan Report No. ZM-5086-V-2,May 1973
  52. “The Estimation of Accident Impact Speed”,Mason, R.P., Whitcomb, D.W. Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory Report No.YB-3109-V-1, August 1972
  53. “Accuracy and Sensitivity of CRASHSmith, R.A, Noga, J.T. SAE paper 82-1169.
  54. SMAC-97- Refinement of the Collision Algorithm, McHenry, B.G., McHenry,R.R., SAE Paper No. 97-0947, 1997 SAE Congress, Also in SAE publicationSP-1237 and 1997 SAE Transactions
  55. CRASH-97- Refinement of the Trajectory Solution Procedure, McHenry,B.G., McHenry, R.R., SAE Paper No. 97-0949, 1997 SAE Congress, Also inSAE publication SP-1237 and 1997 SAE Transactions
  56. Effectsof Restitution in the Application of Crush Coefficients, McHenry, R.R., McHenry, B.G., SAE Paper No. 97-0960, 1997 SAE Congress,Also in SAE publication SP-1237 and 1997 SAE Transactions
  57. RICSAC-97- A Reevaluation of the Reference Set of Full Scale Crash Tests,McHenry, B.G., McHenry, R.R., SAE Paper No. 97-0961, 1997 SAE Congress,Also in SAE publication SP-1237 and 1997 SAE Transactions
  58. “Development of a Computer Program to Aid the Investigation of Highway Accidents”, McHenry,R.R, Calspan Report VJ-2979-V-1, Contract FH-11-7526, December 1971, PB208537
  59. “Mathematical Reconstruction of Highway Accidents”, McHenry, R.R., Segal, D.J.,Lynch, J.P.,Henderson, P.M.,CAL Report No. ZM-5096-V-1, ContractDOT-HS-053-1-146, Jan 1973, PB 220150

This is a list of references cited in the WWW pages of McHenry Software, Inc.. These references are provided for interested individuals to obtain further information on research related to accident reconstruction and computer simulation. PB numbers accompanying documents are order numbers from NTIS. NTIS can also locate reports by Contract numbers and/or authors. SAE numbers accompanying documents can be used to order them from SAE.